Not just a community—a village!
Allegheny Crest Intentional Village ( is a unique approach to combining social change, personal
growth, rural revitalization, and ecological sensitivity. Located
in the West Virginia Potomac Highlands, less than 2.5 hours from Washington DC
or Pittsburgh, it combines spectacular mountain settings
and crisp, clean air, with reasonable access to major
metropolitan areas. Our land currently
includes a retreat center with 20 acres of lush, pristine river valley, and 3
acres of mountaintop with three houses, a 24-unit motel, and a general store.
Like many other intentional communities, Allegheny Crest is based in humanistic values, equality of opportunity, social action, personal growth, and compassionate service. What makes us a village, and not only a community, is active outreach, local integration, radical acceptance, and porous membership:
Active Outreach: We regularly have events that bring in a wide range of people, and these events change lives! Participants have said: “‘normal’ is not normal anymore”; “opening doors that I didn't even know existed”; “truly people who accepted me unconditionally”; “I fell in love with myself!” (We jokingly say that we measure success by how many people go home and quit their jobs.) Whatever skills you have can be used to help create these amazing spaces. They make magic!
Local Integration: We reach out to those who already live nearby, providing services, working with them, playing with them, building connections in whatever ways work best, and becoming an integral part of the local people’s lives.
Radical Acceptance. People who would never think of discriminating on skin color or gender often unconsciously discriminate against people with different verbal styles, work patterns, thought processes, or priorities. Discovering these blind spots and creating a welcoming environment for *all* people is a core part of our work in the world.
Porous Membership.
Many communities have a strong line between members and non-members, have
strict limits on visitors, and a structured membership process—all within the
context of defined property lines. Membership at Allegheny Crest can take
any form that human relationships can take, from client or casual acquaintance
to event participant to short-term
volunteer to full residential membership—and individuals can shift their
relationship as their own needs and growth require. Because we practice
Radical Acceptance, this includes accepting that an individual’s relation to
the community can change however it needs to without breaking that
connection. Porous membership allows people to connect in many ways that
allow for mutual benefit for the person and the community. This also
spreads the community’s influence and connections much more widely.
We are also distinctive in our approach to governance and to abundance:
Compassionate Anarchy. Rather than needing group approval for every initiative, each person has full authority to act on their own—and the responsibility to discern who will be affected and how to incorporate their concerns. Compassionate anarchy fosters individual initiative, allows greater personal freedom, and replaces centralized control with a dynamic negotiation process.
Abundance. Subsistence living is often seen as a value or necessity in community living. We value and support abundance in every aspect of life: emotions, economics, energetics, social connections, and time.
If you are an independent-minded and energetic person who wants
an intimate community while contributing to cutting-edge social change, you may
find your home with us.
Many of us have connected through New Culture experiences ( workshops, open houses, weekend events, and ten-day summer camps. There are intentional communities and businesses across the country and beyond that have been built on New Culture insights; here, we are taking it to a new level.
Our existing businesses that form the economic base for the village, including Abrams Creek Campground & Retreat Center (, the Mountaineer Motel, and the AC General Store, are all located near Mt. Storm, WV. The work is quite varied, and includes every aspect of producing, managing, maintaining, and improving our existing businesses, properties, events, activism, and educational programs.
Play and connection are also core and conscious activities; *balance* is a primary goal.
Members can select a living environment that best suits their
needs: resident on one of our properties, member of a group house, living
in a separate house or apartment that they rent or own, or whatever best meets
their needs. Residents who choose to be part of the core economic base
are provided with room and board (and medical care in many cases), as well as
assistance in creating independent
income opportunities in a cooperative and resource-rich
Because there are no zoning restrictions and no building code restrictions, Allegheny Crest is an ideal location for using alternative construction techniques, land use, energy generation and management, sustainable design, and much more. We already have a geothermal heating and cooling system for the motel, and geodesic domes for large group meeting spaces; we are excited about exploring other projects that move us more towards sustainability.
If this intrigues you, you can find out more at . Please send information about your background, personal goals, vision, and values to We can then chat with you to see if this would be a good fit for you. If you need to speak with us first, call Michael at 304-825-3555.